Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Friday, July 10, 2009

Windows 7

I'm going to research and write some more about this. My first initial reaction though is that just like with Vista, Microsoft is once again copying Mac OS X.

That judgment is made only on looks and function. I have not sat down with Windows 7 yet to see if it is as user friendly as Mac OS X or to see if it works as seamlessly as Macs.

More to come....

Thursday, July 02, 2009


Yesterday my fiancée and I got our new Apple iMac.

I'm not here to start a PC vs. Mac war, I'm just saying that for me and my fiancée, it's everything we want and need.

I became a Mac user a year ago when I purchased the now discontinued black MacBook. A year later, I am still asking myself why it took me so long to switch over to the Mac computers.

The transferring of my documents and other information from my MacBook to the iMac was painless and very quick using the Migration Assistant. I have never had the kind of performance I have with these Macs from a PC.

Anyways, I'm done for today.

This blog was typed and posted from my MacBook. The fiancée is hogging the iMac!