Saturday, August 05, 2006

New Laptop / Random Stuff

i just need to do some random blogging. I'm sitting here upstairs in my house in a chair. did you need to know that much detail? No, but I felt the need to tell you anyways only because I feel it could make what I say next have a little more meaning.

I recently purchased a new laptop that I am typing with right now. it's nice. It's a dell, it's my 2nd laptop to own and it's my first laptop that came with wireless internet capabilities already installed. No more purchasing a special card to insert into the laptop to make it wireless. No, this thing was ready to go and picked up the wireless connection in my house literally as soon as i turned the thing on.

I know a lot of you are probably like, "what's so exciting about a laptop with wireless internet? I've been using one forever!" Well, I'm sorry i'm so late getting into this game, but for me, not having to use a long cord to connect to the internet is kinda nice and i'm excited about it.

I think it's taken me 20 minutes to write this much because of a distraction I call TELEVISION.

I can't pause live TV at my house. I thought about recording a TV show a while back and realized I would need a VHS tape to do it... so I'm still old school enough right now.

The point of this whole blog was to tell you that my name is Adam and I think it's a good name for me. It says a lot.

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